Welcome to Parling

At the heart of everything that we do is our passion for education and our commitment to our students. Thanks to our varied course selection and unique teaching techniques, our school has been ranked as the top Language School time and time again.
Parling Language School is located in the heart of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, and reflects the vibrant energy of the area. The skilled team members are here to help students achieve their goals. Are you ready to reach your potential? Contact us today to learn more about Parling Language School.
Feb 2009 - Conception
In early 2009 we started research and planning for our language school. Over the next 5 years we explored all the elements we wanted to include in our project such as teaching systems, technology, environmental impact and ethics.
March 2013 - Site found
After over a year of searching we found a site which met our requirements. We then started the design layout of Parling Language School with the help of a very talented team of architects. Key design elements were natural light, energy efficiency and reducing carbon footprint.
November 2013 - Construction started
Construction started in November 2013 and after a few months of very hard work from the engineering company, Parling Language School was ready to start helping the world to learn.
January 2014 - Grand opening
Since opening in January 2014, when we started with only 30 students and 2 teachers, we have become the most popular language school in the neighbourhood where our team now supports over 400 students with their language learning.
Environmental Policy
Parling Language School is committed to continually improve our environmental performance.
All electricity utilised at Parling is provided from renewable energy sources.
We have selected energy efficient equipment wherever possible, this includes information technology, air-conditioning and lighting.
Computers and printers used at Parling have amongst the lowest energy consumption ratings available and only re-chargeable batteries are used for all battery operated devices.
Lights installed are ultra-efficient LEDS and like all electrical equipment is only switched on when required.
Printing and Paper
At Parling we use interactive whiteboards and digital technology in order to reduce printing and paper wastage. If material needs to be printed only inkjet printers are used as they are more energy efficient and pollute less.
All paper used for printing is made from 100% recycled sources.
Wherever possible all used printed material and paper is reused or recycled.
Cleaning, Waste & Equipment disposal
Eco-friendly cleaning materials such as window cleaner, furniture polish and floor cleaner are utilised to reduce the impact on the environment. We avoid the use of toxic or caustic materials that could be detrimental to the environment.
Hand towels, wipes and toilet paper is made from 100% recycled material.
Rubbish, waste and packaging is sorted into categories and disposed of in the appropriate recycle bins.
Marker pens are refilled and reused as many times as possible. Once the maker pens cannot be reused they are recycled.
Used equipment is always recycled or disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.
Air quality
Each classroom has live plants which have been specifically selected for their air-cleaning and filtration properties. The majority of plants are ‘Golden Pothos’ (Epipremnum aureum).
Plants in the classroom also offer the additional benefit of better psychological well being for the students and teachers.
All classrooms are installed with an aromatherapy diffuser where organic essential oils are used to enhance the learning environment. The primary oil we use in our classrooms is Rosemary essential oil, this essential oil has been selected for its beneficial properties which include improved brain function, reduced stress and enhanced alertness.
Parling has been fitted with a high powered air recycling system to ensure that fresh air is constantly supplied to each classroom.